A Letter of Welcome

Good afternoon (Good morning, or Good night),

As an American now residing in Sydney, Australia, after having spent the past few years in the UK, my family, friends, colleagues, etc are scattered amongst the world in a plethora of time zones. So please excuse my multi-faceted greeting; I wouldn’t want to exclude anyone.

Moving to Australia was a bit of a last-minute life change, and Sydney is now my new home, for the time being. I came for a variety of reasons, and I was ready for a life altering, mind-boggling adventure. Throw an Aussie boyfriend into the mix, and the fact that the Aussie government dishes out work permits like candy, and the cards were on the table. After a 36 hour trek from Washington DC to Sydney, via London and Hong Kong, I arrived exhausted, overdressed, and under-prepared. A few weeks in, I have remedied all of the above, and have started to wrap my head around life here. 

I should add in that I have never really cared for blogs, especially travel blogs, so I hope to be a bit unique-rather than the sappy and traditional “I’ve found myself through travel” blog (Note- there’s enough of those on the web already). I want to share with you all, especially my friends and family, some funny and quirky experiences that I have here, as a way to provide a window into my life, and let everyone know that I am happy and well.

And, hopefully, you’ll laugh a bit.

I hope you all enjoy the stories and sarcasm from an “Accidental Australian.”



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0 thoughts on “A Letter of Welcome”

  1. Welcome to Australia, Katie. Look forward to your observations,comments and adjustments. Although, in many ways, we’re so similar to the United States, it’s the subtle differences that will make your blog fascinating.


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